Ever since I have been trying to be more frugal and we have had our economic downturn, I am not willing to give up so much of my money. Yet, I can't even be half as frugal as most of the people I turn to for frugal help on the internet. However, I am amazed at how much we pay for in little bits of pre-made & pre-packaged groceries that add up.
There is so much wrapping out there. My son wanted this new product called bagel bites. I had a coupon so I bought him a box. There are 4 bagels in a pretty colored box and each is wrapped in plastic. I am sure that all costs me something. I mean, can I not handle all of the bagels toughing each other? This happens with granola bars too. I can't believe they do not do this with Oreos! (No family I am not buying Oreos!)
I also think it is ironic that when our babies our newborns we are buying and making most of their food to keep them safe and ultra-healthy but as time goes on, we rely on the someone else to do that.
Also, does anyone remember that in a pinch or if needed, you can make all kinds of of food that you buy prepackaged like cake, frosting, ketchup, bread, syrup, BBQ sauce and much more? These cost pennies to make but a few dollars to buy pre-packaged at the grocery store. Most people have all the stuff needed to make them right in their pantry. During weeks when the dollar doesn't stretch as far in my budget because someone wants bagel bites, I am not above making a few of these. Did we lose this education somewhere or are we just too busy being busy? Or I do it just to save another trip to the store.
The plus side too is my kids love to do this stuff. We even made peanut butter together just to see if we could. (Well I made it & they tasted it - it was o.k.) I guess the point is that we have become so accustomed to what is offered in all of its fancy packaging that we are forgetting the basics.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
You made ketchup... bar b que sauce and other stuff. I understand but ketchup.. I can teach you how to make mayonaisse
We always make our own cake, icing, cookies and muffins up on the second floor - no box mixes in my classroom (!) . . . but I, too, draw the line at ketchup. And mayo - I can do that but would rather pay for the pre-made!
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