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I am old soul who covers the grey really well. I love to be active and creative. I am blogging to help keep the memories alive and to keep those special moments around.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

My new favorite thing

The other day when I was at Trader Joe's Market, I found a sea salt scrub. It is called Purify & it is grapefruit & chamomile. This is not my normal choice. When I opened the jar which btw, was made out of plastic - super un-green, the smell was heavenly.

The smell perked me right up. The delicious smell actually made me feel calmer and serene. Then I used it. It was awesome & my skin felt baby soft. Now you should know I am not a bathing salts, lotiony kind of girl but this is definitely worth a trip to Trader Joe's.


Stacey said...

WHICH Trader Joe's????? I am addicted to that stuff and haven't been able to find the grapefruit in a while?

LaMaman said...


The Trader Joe's on Woodward below 12 mile. Right next to my work. Luv it!! That new Korger's near you - not so good.

Stacey said...

I know! Expensive.

And I'm not getting ANY movie parts! Gotta put out better vibes!!

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