About Me

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I am old soul who covers the grey really well. I love to be active and creative. I am blogging to help keep the memories alive and to keep those special moments around.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday Toppings

Well it is here finally summer & the sun. So what makes my summer? Here is the top 10 list.

1. New puppy
2. Starbucks iced tea with a dash of lemonade
3. My own frappucinos at home!
4. Books & the library
5. Tennis & tennis skirts
6. My bike
7. Tank tops & cute shorts but 1 cool sundress
8. Flip flops -I am partial to Ugg's with fur on the flip-flop
9. My backyard
10. Going anywhere in the world connected to the ocean

Summer, here we come!

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