It is true what they say about time going faster. I look at my 13 year old & still see the baby trying to walk. This Christmas marks a lot of lasts for us in terms of time. This is the last Christmas that we will have to play "Santa". He will still come but we do not have to play it up it anymore.
My husband and I walked by all of the parents madly waiting with their ideal children for a chance with Santa. That was not even brought up this year at our house. I did not have to go in 1 toy store for them and there will not be 1 action figure or Lego kit or doll anywhere near our tree.
New Year's Eve is having a revival at our house. We have for years been with the kids and just enjoyed the night with them. This year we are getting together with other adults and we will be having fun.
We won't even mention the dreaded birthday this year.
This Valentine's day may be the first dating situation for my young son. He seems to love the girls right now. I keep wondering does this mean he will want to buy a valentine for a special someone?! No more Valentines made of doilies and with children's love for me.
Whatever the holiday coming up, they seem to come and go too quickly. I have less time now with my oldest one as she will be going to college in a mere 4 years. I take out less and less for each holiday as the kids now pick & choose what should come out. We do have our traditions and stick with them. But there is less Easter grass in the cracks in the floors in my house and now the Christmas cookies are actually frosted and not all eaten all at once.
I can't believe time has revved up. I can't believe I am sitting here watching my kids do and be all on their own. I can only be happy for them and hope that they have cherished all of the time too. Even if they can't remember every little moment I hope that these memories have stacked themselves as a base so their life can go on strong.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
1 comment:
So depressing!!! Stop Stop Stop Stop !!!
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