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I am old soul who covers the grey really well. I love to be active and creative. I am blogging to help keep the memories alive and to keep those special moments around.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday Toppings

Plant more flowers. Spring in Michigan is always iffy. But the flowers are always great! I am looking at bunches & bunches of daffodils right now outside my window. My tulips are still flowerless but I know they are coming. So write on your calendar right now for the upcoming fall (yikes) to plant more flowers.

Reconnect with old friends. The weather was good enough yesterday that we had some friends over. We were supposed to be outside but rain came in the early evening & thwarted our plans. Being inside was not so bad. Thank god for our big basement for the kids. It was great to catch up with them again inside or out.

I am on a salad kick right now. I had Caesar's salad for breakfast. (Yes, this was leftover from last night's dinner) But the night before it was Greek salad. And tonight, it will be a mixture of what's left from both night's salad. I want to try the edamame salad below because I have never worked with them before.

I also like these recipes for salads too:



I took my longest bike ride of the year yesterday. I can't wait for better weather. We are going to be biking a lot. Find something to do outside & go for it. Maybe bike to Starbuck's & meet a friend.

Have a great week!

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