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I am old soul who covers the grey really well. I love to be active and creative. I am blogging to help keep the memories alive and to keep those special moments around.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Music to my ears & my soul

I know, why I am writing about music again?

Have I told you about my grandma? (My dad's mom) First, I was lucky enough to have some of the best grandparents in the world on both sides. She was however the musician and even earned a degree in music from Oberlin College in Ohio. She played the organ & the piano beautifully. She was also a strong woman who had an inner peace & strength that I always loved.

Sadly, they are gone but I have great memories. I also have my grandma's piano. This poor old piano is out of tune & unplayed often. Except lately, my son can't leave it alone. He can't walk by it without plunking a few notes. He also wants to fix it.

Lately, (dare I say) my life has been working itself out. I can't help but think my grandma has been sending me strength & support through these small melodious moments. I know that it may not be an actual ghost trying to communicate with me but when my son plays these notes or tries to fix the piano, it is a reminder to me to keep my resolve and find my inner strength.

Thanks grandma.

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