Summertime & the livin' is easy & cold if you are in Michigan right now. I got so much not done today. I am proud that I crossed nothing off my list. There were no plans. There was no agenda. How many times can I say that?
The only bummer was I woke up at 6:30 a.m. so I dragged my blankets & pillow to the couch. I caught up on bad t.v. My son came out & climbed on the couch to ensure maximum heat since it was hovering at a chilly 60 degrees this a.m. with no heat in sight. My daughter meandered out after that & we watched some more bad t.v.
She had to go to help at her camp & I had to play tennis. Although it was more of a joy than a task for both of us. I felt so good I took my son to Gamestop & let him spend time there. I think that actually means more than the money I spend there. I also got the bonus of having just enough time to stroll through TJMaxx before picking up my daughter from camp. I scored a great pair of madras shorts & a bra in my size. It was $25 for both. I love being frugal.
Then, let's see, ummm I had a few potato chips. I took a nap. I read and read and read some more. I rode my bike to return a DVD and went to Target. My daughter had tennis try-outs. She made the team. As I sat watching her, I enjoyed some catching up with summer friends at the swim club. Then it was home again. Did I mention I rode my bike twice?
Dinner was last minute. We had huge plates of waffles and bacon. This meal was decided on at the last minute on this cold day. I cut up apples with melted brown sugar & butter. My son called them candy apple waffles. My daughter had some gnocci. After dinner, my husband came home. I read some more and finished the book. My husband and I took a walk while the kids met up with friends. Ahh, there were no decisions that had to be made. We had the luxury of time. We filled it with a bunch of whatevers, whenevers and hopefully made some good memories.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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