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I am old soul who covers the grey really well. I love to be active and creative. I am blogging to help keep the memories alive and to keep those special moments around.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Stay home & work? My double life or double whammy.

I am in my summer mode. I see all of my summer friends at the swim club and want to hang out with them. I am a teacher so I get the summers off. It is like I live a double life. I get to work and be a stay-at-home mom. Most of my summer friends do not work. They stay at home with their kids all year round. I want to stay at home too.

They are so busy. I can't believe what they do in a day. They also volunteer so much. I think if I stayed home I would read a lot. I mean a lot & catch up on my t.v. Most of my friends say that they are bored with their stay-at-home lives. They want to work. I want to work too.

Working full time and raising kids is tough. There is no down time unless you squeeze it in or feel enormously guilty. Even in the summer I feel guilty if I am not with my kids because I do not see them as much during the school year. They love this because they are pre-teens now. It is not cool to be followed around by your mom.

My favorite comment is how lucky I am to be a teacher and lead this double life. Just remember I take care of my own kids and your kids too. I grade lots of papers. There is no 9:15-10:15 coffee break or three martini lunch. Plus I work extra hard so when I am off then I can be with my kids.

Sitting by the pool though I dream about staying at home all year round. Who cares if the pool freezes over? I would have a super clean house with super clean kids. I would be in super shape and make super meals. I would have time to shop for super clothes and even more super shoes. The only problem is who brings home all that super money?! Oh yes, I better go back and be that super teacher so I can at least have a super summer.

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