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I am old soul who covers the grey really well. I love to be active and creative. I am blogging to help keep the memories alive and to keep those special moments around.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunday Toppings (on a Monday)

Happy Memorial Day!

My tomatoes for the year are planted. My daughter is trying beans & carrots t plus 1 stalk of corn. We have some strawberries coming in too. Maybe we'll get 1 berry apiece. I am not much of a farmer but I enjoy reaping what I sow! (I am buying pints & pints of strawberries to fill in. The kids can't get enough)

I am still in love with Sundance Catalog. I have my eye on a few things but need to save up my pennies. My 13 year old daughter picked up the catalog. She oohed & ahhed her way through every page. Dangerous! www.sundance.com

Speaking of cowboy country, I keep peeking in on a new blog called Confessions of a
Pioneer Woman. She does a lot of good cooking. We love it cuz we do a lot of good eating. www.thepioneerwomen.com

I also went to Westborn Market this week & splurged on lots of good things. Our favorite so far is the Buffalo chicken flavored sausage. They are so good & so spicy. www.westbornmarket.com

Take a moment & think of the men & women who served our country today. That is the true topping that keeps our world together!

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