About Me

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I am old soul who covers the grey really well. I love to be active and creative. I am blogging to help keep the memories alive and to keep those special moments around.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Topping

Not much to top this weekend off with because it was all about family. What a better way to top anything than to spend with everybody you love. Plus we had cake. We had chocolate cake & carrot cake, MMMMM delicious!

Bake a cake with somebody then sit down & have a slice together.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I'm "sick" of this

I had a dr.'s appointment today. I waited for about 15 minutes in the nice waiting room full of good magazines. Then I went in the examining room to wait for the dr. It was a stark, boring examining room. the picture on the wall was a view out a window but also boring.

Is this the last thing that will ever change and be updated? Why are the rooms so boring. As a mom, it was extra difficult becuase the waiting room at the ped's office was fun but once again, it was an awfully, long and boring wait in the examining room. That was with 2 crazy, whiny kids in tow. 1 sick & the other usually healthy & bursting with energy.

I played games with them and kept them busy but why? Today, I sat alone with my thoughts which weren't too bad but why? How about some magazines or a t.v. screen or a video game or maybe an interesting picture like M.C. Escher.

maybe I have my new career because I am truly sick of this! (even gas station pumps have a tv now)(my dentist has a tv and/or music to enjoy)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thanks for the balance

I am on the high wire balancing. I fall a little bit then I am upright. Is this for real?! I am learning how to balance my life again.

I am done with schools & exams. I passed everything. It took a long time for me to say this out loud or even type it. I am very superstitious.

Everyday some new things crop up but let me tell you what kept me balanced...

my kids - 2 of them, both weighted equally
my husband - the man who carried me many times & woke up at 4 in the morning to just listen
my parents - who pitched in & kept me stable (they even let me cry on their shoulders)
my new garden - my zen
tv - zoning out
friends - who never went away even though I ditched them for a year
running - I kept it up through rain, sleet & snow...it steered me

I can't thank these people & things enough. I kept tripping, staggering & falling but I made it to the end. I am here & now I know whatever happens, happens & I will always have these things to keep me balanced & keep me going!


Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunday Toppings (on a Monday)

Happy Memorial Day!

My tomatoes for the year are planted. My daughter is trying beans & carrots t plus 1 stalk of corn. We have some strawberries coming in too. Maybe we'll get 1 berry apiece. I am not much of a farmer but I enjoy reaping what I sow! (I am buying pints & pints of strawberries to fill in. The kids can't get enough)

I am still in love with Sundance Catalog. I have my eye on a few things but need to save up my pennies. My 13 year old daughter picked up the catalog. She oohed & ahhed her way through every page. Dangerous! www.sundance.com

Speaking of cowboy country, I keep peeking in on a new blog called Confessions of a
Pioneer Woman. She does a lot of good cooking. We love it cuz we do a lot of good eating. www.thepioneerwomen.com

I also went to Westborn Market this week & splurged on lots of good things. Our favorite so far is the Buffalo chicken flavored sausage. They are so good & so spicy. www.westbornmarket.com

Take a moment & think of the men & women who served our country today. That is the true topping that keeps our world together!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Welcome new puppy

We have been busy. Our new puppy is great. It is a lot of watching, playing, walking, feeding, and loving. He is a good guy & here he is...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Brring Brring Calling 4 Faith

Brring, brring, brring.
A True Story From the Cell Phone Generation

Day 1


"Mom, where are you?"

"I am turning the corner. Can you see me now?"


Day 2:


"Mom, are you coming?"

"I am in the parking lot behind the Mini-Cooper in my big blue van!"


Day 3:

"Yes! I am here. Put the phone down and back away from it!"

"Oh I see you. You are turning into the parking lot."

Day 4:

"Hi mom. I am in the middle of soccer practice. Why are you calling me?""

"I have called to sat stop calling me to pick you up, I'm on my way. I am here to get you like I do everyday at the same time from practice. Sometimes there is more traffic, sometimes less. The other day your brother came out with 1 shoe on so I sent him back in to get the other one. I was 30 seconds late. The next day, I was early but stopped to talk with another mom in the parking lot. You could see me! And there was the one time that I was 2 minutes late because I stopped to let the mom goose & her babies cross the street."

"But I am here. You are there with your cell phone. Put it down. Have a little FAITH that I am coming like I do everyday."

Friday, May 15, 2009

All tails wag!

Yes, we got him & tomorrow we'll get him. Our puppy is coming home. He is only 9 weeks & dark as the night but he makes us sooo happy. We have bought lots of stuff for him including a Kong Wubba. This is a cuddly for puppies! Will he like it? I do not know. But I know this is going to be sooo much fun! (yes, plz don't say it again - there is the work too) But who cares the fun outweighs the work! Hopefully pics tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Possible puppy fever here

We are looking into getting a...puppy! I have not posted about my old dog Smitty because we put him to sleep a few months back. It still saddens me to think my dog is gone. There will never be another Smitty.

So a puppy?! He is a little guy. I know it means middle of the night & lots of p*&P & P#@ but it also means lots of kisses & hugs and love.

So we have to visit our little rescue dog this weekend. If we get him then for sure we'll post pics!

Cross your fingers and your tails!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday Toppings

I can't think of a better Sunday topping then being able to read again (not in Spanish). I cannot keep my nose out of a book. I have a long list too.

Here are a few...

Three Cups of Tea by Mortenson & Relin
A Virtuous Women by Gibbons
Columbine by Cullen
Just Tale My Heart by Clark

What book is on the top of your list to read?

I have just been walking the stacks at the library & finding the ones that jump out at me. Can anyone read every book in the library. Enjoy the week & read a book.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Things I can & cannot do but really don't want to do....

Yes, exams are done & I have time to relax. I am taking this seriously! Relaxing for me is hard. Plus the hammock is not up in the backyard yet. I usually do not relax until stuff is done. I cannot relax in a mess.

However, relaxing takes work. It involves finding a good book. I am working on Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns. It involves a full stomach - thank you Starbuck's & triscuits. It involves my kids by my side. We are watching Hotel For Dogs.

Yes, I can sink into this moment & know that nothing can ruin it. So what don't I really want to do?

I am ignoring the floor, calling a restaurant for prices & 1 load of laundry. What? Relax! It will get done...after I work on my relaxing.
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