About Me

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I am old soul who covers the grey really well. I love to be active and creative. I am blogging to help keep the memories alive and to keep those special moments around.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Topping

Winding down. Yes, swimming is over for my 13 yr. old & tennis is winding down too. We are starting up with other sports too but my daughter has some down time.

She has opened a book called "Seams to Me" By Anna Maria Horner. It is a starter sewing book with so many cute crafts. Her first project is a dog bed for our new puppy. Cross your fingers, it should look good & be extra comfy for Cooper!

I too picked up a recipe book called Fast Fix meals. It is full of easy meals that i know my kids will like. The first meal I want to make is chicken turnovers. I already made the fantastic Rah-rah Buckeye Bars. Oh sooo yummy & almost gone in less than 24 hours.

I am truly ga-ga for these pants & can't wait to order them for the fall. Boden is my favorite line. Boden pants

Busy week coming up! Enjoy yours!

Friday, July 24, 2009


Where is my camera? Why is it so hard to blog without a camera? Well, we are getting a new one. But it is not ready yet. I have 4 shots in my head that I know I want to show ya!

My husband took the memory cards out of my other camera to reconfigure them too. Yikes. I did not understand how much I loved using it now.

My daughter took one photo with her camera phone but does not know how to get it to the computer.

So picture in your mind:

a romping puppy who has recently taken to "killing" his stuffed animals & leaving body parts everywhere.

a HUGE pile of flip flops in my mud room near the door; chaos or organization?

a nipped nose from the puppy that sent me to the hospital & now I look like I have wax on the end of my nose.

a daughter's last tennis game & a son beginning football. Sweaty but happy kids.

Does this all click with you too?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday Toppings

Sunday is not Monday but somehow the time keeps getting away from me.

I "helped" my sister clean out her car yesterday. I bought her a car caddy too. It is cool & has a place for all your stuff even your lap top. You can zip it up & hide the lap top from view too. Why do we have so much stuff in our cars? It is insane the stuff we now need to tote around. Where did I find it? Where else? Target!

I have been looking & looking for a rug for my room. My old dog ruined the other two. I can't find one that fits, looks good and is cheap! What is this world coming to? I am going to the Pottery Barn Outlet next week & hopefully something will be there.


I also need to cut down on my calories. I had a little too much fun these past weeks. I am getting some help from this web site:


Good bye wine & chips. I will see you in a few weeks!

Hope you enjoy the pattern at the top. I wish I could make them work in my blog!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I love my backyard. I hate my backyard. I am having a backyard crisis. I feel a backyard makeover coming on but how much & what to do?

Big plan - get rid of the deck & make a great big patio with a built in fire pit

Mid-range plan - add on to the deck & make a patio with a fire pit

Small plan - suck it up & just buy a fire pit, set it out in the yard somewhere anywhere

Must-do plan - say "bye-bye" to the swing set. It is time.

Dream plan - move to Cancun & make the ocean my backyard.

What to do?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunday Toppings

Bathing suits are the 1 craziest piece of apparel for women on the planet. I spent the last month trying on & trying to find bathing suits for our trip. All I can say is "Yikes!".

First of all what is the scam about paying for both the bottom & the top separately?

Secondly, they all fit horrendously & are so much money. Thank god for Old Navy & Target.

Never go out intentionally looking for a suit. Let it find you. Casually wander through the racks & pick up 1 or 2 but never let it be known that you are looking for one. The right one will turn up. Once you find one, sneak into the dressing room and try it. Remember behind closed doors to do all of the tricky moves that are done at the beach like bending over, laying on your stomach and applying tanning lotion to your own back. If your suit stays then it is a winner!

Plus bathing suit designers, I am not into big hibiscus flowers on my suit nor 3 different color blue stripes with 1 blaring orange stripe in between them. Gack! Who thought of that?

So what did I find? I found an awesome black bikini top from Old Navy that I mixed and matched with a small black printed two piece from Target. The top of the two piece was a tankini to cover me in case I received some good burns which I did. I also relied on my brown bikini/skort that I bought 5 years ago that still works so well.

It worked out great & 1 day I may have the courage to write about bikini shopping with my daughter which takes hours and many handfuls of cash...but that involves colors, styles, tops that must not match bottoms intentionally, etc., etc., etc.

Enjoy your week in the sun wearing something cool & fun!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Sooo it has been awhile since I have been posting but I have been in paradise. We took the kids & went for a luxurious, exciting, peaceful, restful, much-needed vacation in Mexico.

They had beds on the beach! Yes, beds. Beds that allowed you to relax & enjoy this paradise. And I did.

Top 10 things about this vacation

1. beds on the beach
2. everyone in the family happy
3. snorkeling on the river
4. beautiful blue ocean
5. drinks, lots of drinks including a Miami (everyone's favorite)
6. sundresses & flip-flops with bathing suits underneath
7. 89 degree weather that was never felt because of the breeze from the beach
8. new fruit to taste including guavas & prickly pears
9. 2 pools plus the ocean
10. speaking Spanish & being understood!

Ah, dreams do come true!

Friday, July 3, 2009

My kid's new 'hood

Those of you who are my age can remember the neighborhood of long ago. It was its own little world. You played Capture the Flag & Kick the Can with any person you could find on your street. Moms and dads had tons of barbecues and Christmas parties and you hung out with the kids while they celebrated. You had a crush on your best friend's older brother even though he teased you relentlessly. You had the crabby old neighbor who yelled at you for the littlest things like being on her grass.

My kids don't have this physical world - this microcosm of society. Sure we have neighbors and some parties but not on same scale as years before. Sure they know two or three kids on the street and they play occasionally but everyone is on an organized team so there is little free time. Most neighbors drive into their garages and shut the doors. Facebook has become their new virtual 'hood.

I let my daughter & son sign up for Facebook last year. Their first few friends were my sisters and some of my closer friends whom they call "aunt so & so". Most of the people they communicate with there are their immediate friends but they also have friended their friend's siblings. They have even friended a few dogs & cats too.

I like this because they can't sign on and make in appropriate comments. My sisters or my friends comment back much like my crabby neighbor did years ago on my street! They play games constantly with these people like Tonk. They even exist in a virtual world called YoVille. This is not Kick the Can or the annual Labor Day block party but it works. (Again, my sister and my friend do these games and virtual worlds too. There are spies everywhere!)

I know Facebook is not the best place for everyone but I am happy to know my kids are part of something even if it is on the computer. (You will be happy to know they do see and communicate with everyone in real life too.) It is a place for them to go though where they can be a part of the happenings of the everyday. It is a community for them where there are the old and the young, close frieends and acquaintances. I believe, they will learn some valuable lessons here from these people. They may not learn to stay off Mrs. Crabby's grass but they will learn how to say "Happy Birthday" to those that count or understand that the crush on your friend's older sibling isn't so great when you see the real person by the comments that are left behind.

The irony of Facebook, for sure, is that you are never face to face physically with anyone. However, you can never get out of anyone's face. (unless you "unfriend" them.) You have deal with the people in your 'hood and learn how to be a decent and good human being to co-exist there. Isn't that what we want in our 'hoods?
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