About Me

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I am old soul who covers the grey really well. I love to be active and creative. I am blogging to help keep the memories alive and to keep those special moments around.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sick kid= time at home

It has been along time since I have been able to post. Truthfully, since I have wanted to post. I am home with 1 sick kid. That has given me some time. Time to be with him. Time to cherish & to slow down. Time to heal. Luckily, time before we have Thanksgiving time. I am really cherishing that too. It feels good to be home with no agenda & no plans. I am resisting planning what to plan(: I am going to make him some soup with lots of love & lots of time.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summer list

1. Keep it simple
2. Read a lot
3. NJ/NYC!
4. Up North
5. Baseball
6. Tennis
7. new potato salad recipe
8. grow tomatoes
9. Work a little
10. go somewhere brand new...
more to come...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Yeah, yeah, I know...or do I know?

I cannot get this into this habit of posting. It will be one of my summer goals. I am overwhelmed & consumed right now with many thoughts that are all about work. It is stressful. Sometimes when I run early on Sunday mornings, I hear a radio show about faith.

This time it said life is all about the test we take at the end BUT we do not know what it will be about. Yet we are always prepping for this test. That is how I feel right now. I have no idea what the outcomes will be & I am swimming in the middle with no end in sight.

I want to do only the right thing and never the wrong thing. Yet somehow I do not know if I am in the right place doing the right thing. So work is actual work. I have to make sure it keeps going at a good pace in the right direction but have no end in sight.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Serenity on Vaca

We just had a great vacation. I fell in love with Southern Utah. It was such a pretty place especially when it reflected the sunset & sunrise.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I love Easy Living

I have fallen in love with the British magazine Easy Living. I also love Johnnie Boden. I do not know where these UK obsessions come from. They aren't too British but they are way cool.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A win

Yesterday, I spent Saturday in Toledo watching my daughter's team win a volleyball tournament. She had the winning spike. Yay!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Calm & Quiet

I crave these two things. I love calm & adore quiet. This is my house right now even though it is filled with four people. This calm & quiet screams that everyone is happy. I awoke this a.m. to my 13 year old BOY making crepes from scratch & my daughter prepping for her big food extravaganza tonight. (She has a cooking class and this is her big assignment. Yay!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I Love My Children

I really do. They are great. They have the best smiles. They are whom I look forward to seeing every day. They have great personalities & are good kids. I want to keep them who they are now but want them to keep on going! Love, love, love ya!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011


It has been a busy week & I have 1 kid sick. I haven't been able to be quite the mom for him this week. I have however given him lots of love and "tlc" in the form of soup. I cheated and picked it up from TLC (The Lunch Cafe) in Berkley. I have loved it & so has he. I have even bought some for my other child too just to spread the love.

So we have had a few days of delicious soup & hopefully everyone will be on the mend.

Yummy Swiss Onion
Delicious Jambalaya
Soothing Mac n Cheese soup (YES!!! mac n cheese soup)
Warming Golden Potato

Yum in a bowl!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dog park

We have a new dog park near us. I often walk our great dog in our neighborhood but it is fun to let him go in a fenced in area with other dogs every once in awhile. It is funny also to strike up conversations with other dog owners. It is just like when my kids were little talking to other parents at the park. the other dog owners want ot know his name, his breed, his age and other facts. Then we try to get our dogs to play together as we all stand by and watch. Hilarious.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cheddar bunnies

I love cheddar bunnies! Eat this, not that said that Cheez-Its were an "eat-not" but I loved them. What did I replace them with? I replaced them with cheddar bunnies. Yum! Try them.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Only Tuesday...

I think about how as a teacher I work through the week. Oh it is Monday, here we go again. Oh it is only Tuesday. What a long week. How about Wednesday? Just get through the day. Why it is Thursday and we are almost there. Whew a Friday, a treat for all working stiffs. The comes Saturday which equals relaxation or errands? Sunday can be anything from hard to harder to where did the weekend go?

Today is a Tuesday. It is the first Tuesday without yucky weather for the first time in a long time. It has been long but no craziness happened. I even laughed a few times. Plus it is my husband's birthday. Happy day Mike!!! Enjoy your day. I will too.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Being home

Just arrived fresh from spring break. Home sweet home. Here is my place, here is my heart. I found lots to love there but have come back home refreshed & renewed to recreate my home sweet home.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I am going to curl my hair.

Monday, January 3, 2011


This is the hardest part but I am going for it this year.

1. Less Diet Coke - the hardest resolution!
2. Learn a new craft. I am embarking on a new craft - more later. Hoefully with pictures.
3. I am going to start blogging again. It has been sporadic & inconsistent but I put the camera down for a long time.
4. I am going to buy my own super camera by putting away money each paycheck.
5. I am going to spend less ^ be more creative. Wish me luck,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Random Facts About Me

I am happy to do this because it is so much easier than making any New Year's resolutions. I am going to stick with 10 of them.

1. I live next door to my parents. It really is no big deal but it causes people to gasp. It has been the 1 mainstay in my life. Honestly, I think we bug them more they bugs us!

2. I love to run. I can do it anytime, any day. I always feel great after I am done. I hate to race. It ruins the running for me. I want to do a marathon but have no time to train.

3. I love all sports except golf. I can play anything and everything but do not like the amount of thought you have to put into golf.

4. I am never bored. My mom says I have a talent at keeping myself entertained even when I was young. I invent my own schedules and fill them up daily.

5. My best friends are the ones who make me laugh until I cry. When I think about the people who have been in my life the longest, they are the ones who are the goofiest, craziest and silliest. I have to keep that around me,

6. A pyschic once told me that part of my mission in this life is to be closer to people. I have failed at that badly. I am extremely shy!!

7. My top 10 loves (in random order); fashion/clothes, dogs/animals, running, cooking, reading, watching tv/movies, tennis, my kids & my husband.

8. I love France. I should have been born there.

9. I hate unloading the dishwasher. It is my least favorite chore.

10. I love horses & nature but do not want to live on a farm.
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